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Jocelyn Cares Domiciliary Agency recognised the outbreak of coronavirus is a fast-moving situation. The WHO has stated that this is now a pandemic. As care providers, ensuring robust infection control and business continuity plans form part of preparing business at Jocelyn Cares Domiciliary Agency for any events that can cause disruption to the normal business. 

Jocelyn Cares Domiciliary Agency will ensure that staff are aware and understand the importance of pandemic preparedness and will carry out preparations by following the checklist in the Pandemic Policy and Procedure at Jocelyn Cares Domiciliary Agency. Jocelyn Cares Domiciliary Agency understands that business continuity planning involves all aspects of the business and to be effective Jocelyn Cares Domiciliary Agency must work with their partners, suppliers and commissioners to ensure that a safe and effective service is maintained.

Jocelyn Cares Domiciliary Agency understands that they have a responsibility for ensuring that staff follow good infection control and prevention techniques and that they support service users with this too. Jocelyn Cares Domiciliary Agency will ensure that staff have access to reliable information to reduce anxiety and dispel any myths and inaccurate information that may cause worry or distress to  staff, Service Users or the wider public.

COVID-19: About
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